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Inglés B1



Utilizar el idioma con cierta seguridad y flexibilidad, receptiva y productivamente, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, así como para mediar entre hablantes de distintas lenguas, en situaciones cotidianas y menos corrientes que requieran comprender y producir textos en una variedad de lengua estándar, con estructuras habituales y un repertorio léxico común no muy idiomático, y que versen sobre temas generales, cotidianos o de interés personal. Este programa formativo proporcionará a los alumnos la formación en lengua inglesa necesaria para que puedan presentarse a las pruebas de acreditación oficial del nivel B1 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL).

CÓDIGO: SSCE03 SKU: HABSSCE03 Categorías: , ,
HORAS: 240

Unit 1. A special day 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Daily routines 4. Grammar 4.1 Present simple v present continuous. 4.2 Prepositions 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Describing daily routines and special events 7. Speaking 7.1 /s/ /z/ /iz/ 8. Key ideas Unit 2. An interesting meeting 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Personal traits 4. Grammar 4.1 Adjectives order 4.2 -ing/-ed adjectives 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Describing your favourite carácter 7. Speaking 7.1 /b/ v /v/ 8. Key ideas Unit 3. The longest journey 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Means of transport 4. Grammar 4.1 Comparative & superlative 4.2 Possessives 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Comparing 7. Speaking 7.1 <-er> 8. Key ideas Unit 4. The latest fashion 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Clothes 4. Grammar 4.1 Articles 4.2 Quantifiers 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Informal letter 7. Speaking 7.1

8. Key ideas Unit 5. When I was a child… 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Free time activities (no sports) 4. Grammar 4.1 Past Simple 4.2 Used to4.3 Prepositions of time 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Article: life 50 years ago 7. Speaking 7.1 /ed/ /d/ 8. Key ideas Unit 6. My team 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Sport (do/go/play) 4. Grammar 4.1 Past continuous 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Informal letter 7. Speaking 7.1 /sh/ /ch/ 8. Key ideas Unit 7. Around the world 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Travel 4. Grammar 4.1 Present Perfect + for/since 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Review 7. Speaking 7.1 /I/ /i:/ 8. Key ideas Unit 8. I couldn’t believe it!1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Opinions and experience 4. Grammar 4.1 Past simple v Present Perfect 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Discursive essay about an important experience 7. Speaking 7.1 8. Key ideas Unit 9. My childhood 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary3.1 House 4. Grammar 4.1 Past simple v Past continuous 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Article: Where did you live? 7. Speaking 7.1 /3/ /S/ 8. Key ideas Unit 10. Future cities 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 New technologies 4. Grammar 4.1 Will future 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Descriptive essay 7. Speaking 7.1 8. Key ideas Unit 11. It’s going to rain! 1. Do you remember these words 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Weather 4. Grammar 4.1 Future with going to 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Email to a friend 7. Speaking 7.1 /d3/ /tS/ 8. Key ideas Unit 12. Sales! 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary3.1 Shopping 4. Grammar 4.1 Will future + going to + present continuous 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Argumentative essay 7. Speaking 7.1 /a:/ /ae 8. Key ideas Unit 13. What if…? 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Education and languages 4. Grammar 4.1 Conditional 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Formal letter 7. Speaking 7.1 /o:/ /o/ 8. Key ideas Unit 14. At the restaurant 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Food and drinks 4. Grammar4.1 Modals: ability & possibility 5. Listening6. Writing 6.1 Informal email: invitation 7. Speaking 7.1 /j/ 8. Key ideas Unit 15. Do’s and don’ts 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Work and Jobs 4. Grammar 4.1 Modals: obligation & prohibition 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Formal letter to find a job 7. Speaking 7.1 schwa 8. Key ideas Unit 16. My hometown 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Places in town 4. Grammar 4.1 Modals: deduction 4.2 Prepositions of place 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Informal letter 7. Speaking 7.1 /r/ 8. Key ideas Unit 17. My favourite series 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Films and cinema 4. Grammar 4.1 Passives 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Review about a film 7. Speaking 7.1 /m/ /n/ /ng/ 8. Key ideas Unit 18. Sick and tired 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Health 4. Grammar 4.1 Relatives 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Discursive essay about health problems in our society 7. Speaking 7.1 /dipthongs/ 8. Key ideas Unit 19. Wanted! 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 Crime 4. Grammar 4.1 Reported Speech 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Formal letter: A crime you were told 7. Speaking 7.1 /u/ /u:/ 8. Key ideas Unit 20. Eco-friendly 1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 The Environment 4. Grammar 4.1 Verb patterns (+ing/BF/to-inf) 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Article: how to help the environment 7. Speaking 7.1 /e/ /3: 8. Key ideas

