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Inglés B1



Utilizar el idioma con cierta seguridad y flexibilidad, receptiva y productivamente, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, así como para mediar entre hablantes de distintas lenguas, en situaciones cotidianas y menos corrientes que requieran comprender y producir textos en una variedad de lengua estándar, con estructuras habituales y un repertorio léxico común no muy idiomático, y que versen sobre temas generales, cotidianos o de interés personal.


Unidad 01 – Something about me

Present simple and present continuous, Countries, nationalities and languages. Adverbs of frequency, Music, films and books. State verbs, Agreeing and disagreeing. Articles, free time activities.

Unidad 02 – A thing of the past

How to talk about the past, Irregular verbs. Ways of speaking. Used to, Linking expressions. Countable and uncountables, expressing likes and dislikes.

Unidad 03 – What's the matter?

Adverbs, Parts of the body. Possessives, Accidents and injuries. –ed and –ing adjectives, Family and relationships. Looks like and looks, Adjectives of personality and adjective order.

Unidad 04 – It's unfair!

Collocations, Word formation. Comparatives and superlatives, Judgmental nouns. Questions and short answers, Politics. Verb patterns, Words that go together.

Unidad 05 – Make it a rule!

Modals of ability, permission and advice, Permission words. Modals of obligation, probability and possibility, Jobs. Make and let, Job interviews. So and such, Business.

Unidad 06 – Next week's lessons

How to talk about the future, Education. The passive voice, Greetings and verbs for greetings. Modals of deduction, The time. Have something done, Prepositions of time.

Unidad 07 – At home

Say and tell, Places. Reported speech, At home. Relative clauses. More things you can find in a house. Phrasal verbs, Words and phrases for describing objects.


Unidad 08 – Our planet

Reporting  imperatives  and  requests,  Giving  directions.  Question  tags,  False  friends  and  confusing  words. Collocations II, The weather. Zero first conditional, The environment.

Unidad 09 – What's on TV tonight?

Too and enough, Adjectives II. More phrasal verbs, The media. Verb patterns II, Preposition of place. Second conditional, Means of transport.

Unidad 10 – Fashion victims

Indefinite pronouns, The media II. So + verb or neither/ nor + verb, Fashion. Compound nouns, Prepositions of movement. Third conditional, Food and cooking.

