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Inglés B1 parte 1



Utilizar el idioma con cierta seguridad y flexibilidad, receptiva y productivamente, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, así como para mediar entre hablantes de distintas lenguas, en situaciones cotidianas y menos corrientes que requieran comprender y producir textos en una variedad de lengua estándar, con estructuras habituales y un repertorio léxico común no muy idiomático, y que versen sobre temas generales, cotidianos o de interés personal.

CÓDIGO: SIP-INGLÉS B1-1 SKU: SIP-INGLÉS B1-1 Categorías: , ,

Unidad 01 – Something about me

Present simple and present continuous, Countries, nationalities and languages. Adverbs of frequency, Music, films and books. State verbs, Agreeing and disagreeing. Articles, free time activities.

Unidad 02 – A thing of the past

How to talk about the past, Irregular verbs. Ways of speaking. Used to, Linking expressions. Countable and uncountables, expressing likes and dislikes.

Unidad 03 – What's the matter?

Adverbs, Parts of the body. Possessives, Accidents and injuries. –ed and –ing adjectives, Family and relationships. Looks like and looks, Adjectives of personality and adjective order.

Unidad 04 – It's unfair!

Collocations, Word formation. Comparatives and superlatives, Judgmental nouns. Questions and short answers, Politics. Verb patterns, Words that go together.

Unidad 05 – Make it a rule!

Modals of ability, permission and advice, Permission words. Modals of obligation, probability and possibility, Jobs. Make and let, Job interviews. So and such, Business.

