Unit 1. The English Day1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Palabras más comunes relacionadas con las celebraciones4. Grammar. Presente perfecto5. Listening5.1 Listening 15.2 Listening 26. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 2. Care yourself 1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Palabras relacionadas con la salud4. Grammar. Estructura y el uso del presente perfecto y el pasado simple5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: It’s birthday time5.2 Listening 2: Where I live6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 3. Places to Live1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: City or village4. Grammar. Cuantificadores5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: A day out5.2 Listening 2: Travelling around the world6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 4. Who do you look like?1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Family4. Grammar. Verbos modales5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: Important people5.2 Listening 2: My friends and I6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 5. The funniest1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Palabras relacionadas con el mundo de la moda, los desfiles y las pasarelas4. Grammar. Comparativo y superlativo de los adjetivos5. Listening5.1 Listening 15.2 Listening 26. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 6. Roboting1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Tecnología y ciencia4. Grammar. Futuro con wil5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: Rotterdam5.2 Listening 2: Our body6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideas